Sunny Smiles is uninvolved in the politics of the Mojave Wasteland and cares little for the New California Republic or Caesar's Legion. She also defends the town from threats when the need arises, but also takes a more proactive approach when she knows trouble is brewing, such as with Joe Cobb and his group of Powder Gangers. It is no small problem: The wildlife tends to get agitated whenever humans come near and attack them, injuring or even killing the townsfolk, especially the wildlife north of Goodsprings. Her talent with a rifle is very useful to the people living in the sleepy settlement, as she helps keep it clear of radscorpions and coyotes which always seem to find a way to get into the town and try to partake in the town's water supply. She primarily hunts geckos around the town, subsisting on their meat and selling the hides to traders or Chet. Sunny Smiles is a talented trapper and survivalist, living in Goodsprings. 2 Interactions with the player character.